What’s with people decorating for Christmas when it’s not even Thanksgiving yet? They are suffering from a serious case of EHDS (Early Holiday Decorating Syndrome). Decorating for Christmas too early is to holidays what fanny packs and mustaches are to middle age men… and some women!

I am a huge fan of Christmas but before Thanksgiving is just way too early to decorate for Christmas! In fact, Christmas is my favorite holiday. I like the lights, the evergreen, and the holly. Yes, I like the holly… it is jolly, jolly holly!

It seems like everyone is always pushing for the next thing instead of enjoying the time right now, you know? I mean really?… can’t we enjoy some gourds and pumpkins? How about some turkey and stuffing?

I think we should create a new rule that dedicates the holiday to a month. So, as a rule, you can decorate for Thanksgiving in November and you can decorate for Christmas in December. Ok. Well, I don’t really like that. That is too legalistic. We need to develop a way to inspire people and move people out of the abundance of their heart to avoid EHDS. Here are some things that will help you know it is too early to decorate for Christmans:

1) the leaves haven’t fallen off the trees yet

2) there are still trick or treaters wandering around the neighborhood

3) you haven’t turned on your heat yet (location dependent)

4) there are pumpkins and cornstalks gracing the front porches of half the homes in your ‘hood

So, as much as you like putting on the Christmas carols and decking the halls with boughs of holly, stop and enjoy some pumpkin pie and give thanks during Thanksgiving.

What do you think is too early to decorate for Christmas?