This article was written by our good friend Laura Sweeney, aka London Laura, she has a British accent.
The money. The media. The mortality.
Sudden deaths of any kind are always tragic, but are especially so when the whispers of suicide surround the events. For the fabulous lives of the rich and famous, we somehow manage to dramatize if not glamorize the misfortunate occasions as though they will be greatly missed by those that merely know their name. Regardless to how little we knew of them, the world must mourn in unison.
Of course they deserve just as much a shot at a happy, healthy life as the rest of us, unknown or infamous as we each may be. Whether notorious for their out-of-control antics or acclaimed for their successes inside and outside of their respective industries,  we pay the utmost attention to every detail regarding their doom and perhaps even form altered perceptions of who they were and what they were worth before their deaths. 
Some suggestions to tame our taste for the tabloids:
·         Do read news that concerns other circles than your own, to be an informed human being.
·         Do express your reflections on the happenings of others from your rightful perspective while respecting that others may differ in reaction.
·         Do learn from the efforts and outcomes of others, both the positive and negative.
·         When determining your value for another,  think of how you perceive your own, and that of the people you surround yourself with before criticizing those well outside of your realm of influence (or prematurely mocking ones written for living, breathing, suffering humans [even Britney]).
It seems as though the consequence of death for celebrities translates so very heavily through every media channel and societal network.  I wonder how much the death of other unheard of souls affects the lives of the ones they once affected perhaps indirectly or even anonymously.  As quickly as we drop our daily tasks to notice the tragedy of such newsworthy incidents, we in turn resume and the world commemorates and moves on- but ever so often we are reminded of the unhappiness and morbid reality that money, fame, luxury, and power do not provide enough satisfaction for these troubled individuals who appear to ‘have it all’ to keep them living their dreams.  So many of us pine over our dreams for success in many different measures.  To watch the wealthy, beautiful, and accomplished fall so sadly is just quite bewildering.  It just goes to show that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.