Notice that the title does not say “what to do about women who cry”, because they all do. Yeah, startling revelation right? They seem to need it for some reason. I have heard them say, “crying cleans us out”. Which is fine I guess, but I don’t want to see it because I feel like I did something wrong even if I don’t know the broad. It’s almost like they can smell the fear on you and if you say anything, like for instance, “what’s wrong?” You get the quick “nothing”, which should be enough in itself, but no, we have to pry and dig and they just cry more and say things like “I am just overwhelmed” or “why can’t everybody just like me?”.

Well, let me just start by saying if dudes did this even once, even though the girls say it’s good to cry, they would leave us in a heartbeat. Of course, we are allowed to cry at bad chick flicks, but if we cried over being overwhelmed, well, we would be labeled as weak and the girlfriends of the women we love would have a sit down with our ladies and tell them that maybe it’s time to move on.

Now I don’t know about you, but I think there is too much crying in this world as it is. That’s just how I feel. There really is nothing that crying does for the body except make for one unattractive face. Seriously unattractive. Nobody likes the crying face all wet and what not. That’s why when the ladies cry, us men take them and hug them. It’s not to comfort, it’s because we don’t want to look at their wet wrinkled faces. YEAH I said it. Bury that thing in your shirt and get it clean.

If it were one of your best male friends you would take him by the shoulders and smack the crap out of him. Dead serious, ladies get a grip. You can’t win wars, build towers, run a country (Hillary Clinton) or even bake a cake for that matter with your eyes full of tears! Well, I think I have pissed off enough people for today so I am going to go hit something or workout, you know, something manly.