Of all the cleaning duties, I think I like vacuuming the best. Not only do I enjoy having clean carpets and rugs, but I also enjoy seeing the lines that the vacuum cleaner leaves.

When you look at a freshly vacuumed floor it looks much more welcoming. It perked up and said ‘hey, how you doin?’ It also gives you a sense that it is saying thank you… thank you for cleaning me… to which I always respond ‘you’re welcome, be clean’.

First off, there are many different preferences for creating the vacuum lines in the carpet. The most common is the symmetrical lines. Well… probably the most common is the “I don’t care a darned thing about the lines”. After that, for those who care about the lines, they typically like to keep the lines perfectly symmetrical. These people are usually A-type personalities… whatever that means.

Next there are those who get all artsy fartsy with their vacuum lines. These are the folks who create circles in the carpet and make a river flowing through the hills with a cute house and a cute picket fence. It’s a masterpiece… just like their… um… life.

Finally there are those who like an experimented, chaotic order. I would fall under this category. I like to have some chaotic symmetry. So maybe lines in one corner are all the same spacing and direction and then each corner is different. Or maybe there is some grand sweeping strokes across the entire carpet. Or maybe the stripes are in a cross pattern… kind of like cross cutting the yard.

Considering we only have one rug, due to our nice wood floors, I have to get all my vacuum line fun with limited resources. Anyway, I am curious… do you like lines in the carpet? What sort of lines do you like? I know you are just dying to tell me.