There is nothing more oppressive than a clock!  How, you ask? Well, let me give it to you straight. Clocks are always telling you when you need to wake up, go to work, go to bed, when to brush your teeth, when to go home, or just flat out misleading you. Yeah, don’t act like you don’t know what I am saying. All of you out there with your clock set 5 minutes ahead so you’re not late. When what you really end up doing is math, too much math at that.
This brings me to my clock. I have a great clock that I bought about 3 years ago to go in my entertainment center; you know where the VCR used to be. That way I know when Scrubs is coming on, oh that John Michael Dorian. I digress.
Well, this clock worked fine for about a year, then it got a mind of its own. Or maybe it realized that I stopped looking at it… either way it screwed up. Now if this were any other clock I would have just thrown it out.  No, but wait, it is a satellite clock. You know one that knows the time because it can communicate with the satellite (fancy). For this reason, and this reason only, I have kept the dumb clock. It really makes me mad sometimes… more so lately, yes I still have it, and no, I don’t know why.
I guess I am waiting for it to realize where it is, or to talk to the darn satellite. Maybe that’s it! The satellite is lost and the clock is just winging it. Like “sorry dude (Terry) I really have no idea what time it is, because I can’t find my satellite”. Maybe we should look on the back of the milk carton for the missing satellite, or maybe not.
Either way the clock has got to go, it is making me out to be a madman! Always changing, it always goes back and not forward which is odd. My clock recently found itself behind an hour and 17 minutes. That blew my mind, I can see an hour but the 17 minutes makes me nuts. IT’S A SATELLITE CLOCK.
My point here, because I must get to it, is never buy a clock… especially if you see that it is a satellite clock. It will only inspire false hope and you don’t need that. There are too many things in this world to let us down.  We don’t need our clocks doing it. Maybe that’s it! It’s a conspiracy. The clocks are watching us! They… are reporting… and watching. Well, I see you clock… with all of your fancy cameras and satellites. I gotta go!