Clingy friends? You ask? What to do about them? You ask? Again with the questions, why so many questions? Hold your horses and I will tell you what to do about clingy friends. DO you know what a clingy friend is? I bet you don’t, as a matter of fact, I bet you are a clingy friend. Is it wrong to assume that you are clingy? Should I not have done that? Is this too many questions? No!

Clingy people are usually emotionally unstable, but not as a whole, just in one or two areas. It’s either because of rejection, poor parenting, substance abuse or they pour crazy for breakfast every morning, who really knows? All I can tell you is how to survive them, it’s not hard, it will just take some duct tape, needle nose pliers and a little bit of know-how!

How to tell if your friend has C.F.S Clingy Friend Syndrome:

1. They get pissed off when they are not invited to things that you are invited to
2. These friends are the coolest people on the planet one minute and quite crazy the next
3. These friends mean well, but don’t really know what well means
4. They always want to know what you are doing and are never calling to invite you to something
5. These friends will take anyones advice that seems a little more stable then they
6. C.F.S’s will always be a true friend to you, so long as you are already emotionally committed to another individual

I know, I know, now your feelings are hurt, I can’t say that I am surprised, but remember that I am the married guy! The one that has one emotional attachment to another individual, so it’s safe to assume that you will not get hurt. So you can be truthful with me and yourself, and step up to the plate of personal responsibility and tell yourself that you are the cause of your problems. Why? Because this is what a therapist would do (not “the rapist” either) no really… Saw it on TV. I know it’s true because it has helped me in my job with my clients, as soon as they realize that they have a weight problem and it wasn’t caused by anyone else but themselves. This, this I tell you, is where we make progress!!

So stop surrounding yourself with yes friends and start making some changes to your life that will help you to not be so clingy. If you have a friend with C.F.S then just remember that this friend or friends don’t see this as a flaw, and they will probably blame you for their shortcomings. It’s no big deal, at least they will always come right back when they realize that no one else will talk to their craziness.

I love my C.F.S friends, they are loyal and they love me, but if I have to give the same advice twice I might have to haul off and hit their mothers. I mean, come on, really? Pick yourself off the floor and take a look in the mirror. Once you fix you, the rest will just happen, people will start liking you or even loving you, you may have a sustainable relationship that is with someone other than a family member or someone that is already committed to someone else emotionally and you could even cure your foot odor, who knows it could help… I think!