Hey there! How are you? Oh, I am sorry to hear that, I hope you get that checked out. Well now, here we are again gearing up for another car article and if you couldn’t already figure it out… I like cars. There I said it, so stop touching my windows, eating in my car, leaning on my car, and please stop parking so close! I have taken the opportunity to write on the “dos and dont’s” of cars, the article is called the car code, parts 1 & 2. Make sure you read them so we can be on the same page… literally.

With that out of the way, I love to clean my car as it’s a bit of a hobby of mine. I wash it once a week and run the vacuum at least once a week. Every other week I will do a full detail and once every other month i will wax it. I like to keep “her” looking “her” best. Why “her” you ask, well let me tell you. My car is beautiful, high maintenance, is cranky when it’s cold, and costs a lot of money. Hence the “her”.

Cleaning the car is one thing that I don’t compromise on. I keep it clean even in the winter, it’s the right thing to do. Besides, who wants to ride in a dirty smelly p.o.s.? Your right, if you said nobody, if you said some people then you need to go clean your car.

Start with a good scrub down. Do it by hand and not at the car wash. Some of those brushes will scratch the paint. Second, you will want to towel dry it in the shade so you don’t have water spots. Third, clean the interior with some type of topical, not tropical, but topical hydrator like armor all. Now you are ready for the windows!! When cleaning the windows you will want to use a squeegee and a towel for the hard to reach places. Now go back and do the outside windows, followed by the floors vacuumed, and then the tire dressing.

Finally you can take the tire dressing and put it on a rag and go under the hood and give everything a once over especially the black or plastic stuff. After this you are done so long as you remember to wash your hands before closing any doors or the hood.

Now take a moment and breathe it in… done? Good, now put it in the garage.