Chapped lips can be a serious bane (yes, I said bane) not only to your lips but also to your special someone and countless others who will have to look at the cracked, bleeding, flakiness that has become your lips. Besides the social stigma it may cause, chapped lips just plain hurt. Well, I have good news for you, so take heart my friend for there are several things you can do to remedy your lips.

First of all, you really must stop licking your lips. While you may think it helps and is also sexy at the same time… it really doesn’t, and isn’t. You see, actually you are putting saliva all over your lips. Saliva is a pre-digestion aid… as in it aids in DIGESTION. So first, stop digesting your lips.

Secondly, and probably most important, you need to get yourself a really good lip balm. There are several brands and options available, however, I would recommend something that is all natural and would be ok to ingest. If you happen to be in an emergency and you feel your lips drying out, you may need to find someone who has extra chapstick or lip gloss and see if they will rub there lips against yours in an effort to save your lips before any real damage is done. You may also ask them if you can borrow their chapstick (however, many people do not like to share their chapstick).

Thirdly, and more most importantly, keep yourself well hydrated. Having dry skin and dry lips is a sign of dehydration (or that you take too many hot showers in chlorinated water… but that’s for another article). So keeping yourself well hydrated will keep your skin and lips moist, supple, sensuous, soft, silly, sappy, something.

I recommend (and I recommend only the best) Burt’s Bees

*this article was featured on August 22, 2007