We enjoy a good fire… who? The fellahs at WhatToDoAbout.com, thats who! We sit and talk about life, business, food, women and occasionally toilet talk. Yes, it seems that I, more than the others, still enjoy a good “that’s what she said” joke or innuendo or two. It’s even more fun with new people… you know the new friends that hear the word “fire” and want to see what all the fuss is about. Especially the girls, they are great to make blush and it’s a good way to weed out the “bad ones”.

You can turn an otherwise good conversation into a funny, frilly good time… Ok… maybe not frilly, but you get the point. I bet you are wanting some examples aren’t you? Well you are in luck, the town is 5 miles that way… sorry random movie quote sidetracked me… but it’s only right given the subject at hand.

Anyway, here is an example of a good conversation going right down the toilet:

As I put a log on the fire I hear, “that’s a nice log”. I interject, “that’s what she said”. Laughter ensues, all is right with the world and then the fun builds with more of the same followed by stories of work and funnier still, pranks.

If I remember correctly the whole Nashville move was thought of around a fire. Many a hair-brained idea have been thought up around the fire, like “car tag” if you remember the article and the video. Not to mention my second child was conceived by the fire!

The best thing about campfire talk is the fire of course, and the fellowship, followed by an arousing good time… eh HA!

If you are going to have a campfire, don’t sit around and talk about your feelings, or your favorite soap opera, get serious about comedy and make fun of the weakest dude in the group, it’s an easy laugh and he will forget about it in the morning (hopefully, with enough beer that is).

Let’s go burn stuff!