I need a truck. If you don’t already know, I am handy and I am always knee deep in a project. So, if I had a truck I would be very efficient and get my project done faster.

The problem is, I don’t like trucks. I don’t like driving them and I sure don’t like cleaning them. But, they are handy, as am I, so what do I do? Borrow a truck from my dad, my neighbor, and my friend across the street. There are some problems with this habit, it turns out that truck owners are privy to the fact that us non-truck owners need a truck and will ask them.

The worst thing about borrowing a truck is that they are finding excuses to not let me use it… such as but not limited to:

1. “Yeah, I would, but it’s in the shop.”
2. “I can’t, I have to take my mom to the orthopedist”
3. “I would but the game is on” or my favorite
4. No excuse at all. Your buddy will not answer the phone or the door… not even when you call his girlfriend and make her call your buddy and ask him to use his truck.

It’s like dudes with trucks are psychic or something, it’s kind of freaky if you think about it.

Well, now I live in Nashville, away from my dad who has been a really reliable truck source for most of my life. Now I live next a fellah that has a truck and he is also a pastor of a local church so he is not allowed to say no, but alas, he too has now sold his truck. What now? Have no fear my best friend Andrew has moved here from Virginia and yes!… he has a truck. He is a like a drug pusher only he doesn’t want me to use his drugs, he only wants to be left alone. But, I am addicted to my handiness and must complete my projects.

I have figured out a way to make both parties happy, BEER! That’s right, six tall boys and all is well with the truck borrowing. You see, guys can’t turn down free beer, it’s a man-law, really! Go read it here.

Free anything works really, but especially food and beer. Try it and you will have your truck and be able to scratch the itch that is the male addiction to projects. This handiness is a gift and a curse!