Recently I had an issue with my first generation iPhone, the screen was dead in the middle. It would not respond to my touch and it was really hard to text. This put me into a tight spot… I mean… who has money to replace a $200 phone, your right, not this guy.

After doing a litte bit of thinking, I figured out a way to get my iPhone without sending my wife back to stripping. The money was good, but the hours sucked, not to mention she always came home smelling like beef and vodka. So back to my idea, I thought “I will try and sell my 3 year old MacBook”.

I did not know how this would work given the fact that it was not charging and there seemed to be something in the disc drive that made the discs hell to get in and out.

I thought, if it works I get an iPhone and if not then no iPhone. 24 hours later it sold like a hotcake in the country. Sweet! I get a new iPhone! BUT I don’t have a computer to blog on. Or do I?

After receiving a tongue lashing from my WhatToDoAbout buddies I had to show them that my new iPhone could replace my MacBook. Sure I can’t video chat with my wife or run garageband, but I can pretty much do everything else. Which brings me to this article…

I am typing this article on my new iPhone 3gs! That’s right I can do everything on my iPhone, as a matter of fact, I just mowed the grass with it today as well. Ok, maybe that’s a stretch but it is incredibly useful.

Blogging is one of my hobbies and now I can do it anywhere at anytime. I bet you didn’t know that I was sitting on the toilet right now did you? Well, I am not. I am actually at Whole Foods. They have great pizza and dime cookie day!

If this wasn’t a promo for an iPhone, it is now! I single handedly run my business on my iPhone and… well, I am pretty successful! I mean I have clients and I get paid, it all depends on how you define success I suppose.

There you have it!… your excuse to go out and get the coolest phone on the market. And to top it all off, you can get rid of that silly messenger bag, that’s so 1999.