What does that mean? Well, it means you used to practice something everyday or every other day or even every week and now you don’t. Ok? Now no more stupid questions!
Have you ever been practicing something for so long that you got really good at it and in turn thought that you would never not do it? I know. I have and yet here I am out of practice. I mean, I haven’t been playing my drums every day like I have been known to do for the last, I don’t know… 13 or so years! I haven’t sat down and wrote an article for WTDA or LFA in a long time. It feels like a part of me died, I haven’t even ran in what seems like 2 months. What’s happening to me??
I’ll tell ya what’s going on, I have been real busy making sure my business stays busy. Yeah, I know, likely excuse, but in my defense I have hired a new trainer, appointed an assistant, took up piano lessons, hosting a Bible study, trying to buy a car and really trying to sell a couple of kids… Ok, not the last one, but you get it–real busy around here lately.
So among the things I am getting back to practicing, running is one of those. I have been back on track with my running, gearing up for a full marathon. I know, crazy, right? Marathons are like cigarettes, they take years off your life, that is, of course, if you are horrible with your nutrition. But this is neither here nor there, an entirely different subject for a blog that is not here but there.
I have started playing drums again, but not everyday because of said piano lessons. I am now even writing articles again, hence this article. It’s only a matter of time before I make them funny again, because that only gets better when you practice it or if you have been drinking or sitting around a camp fire.
So here you go, your motivation to get back to those good habits that have lead us to love you for who you are, or for what you do. Mainly for what you do. Sorta. Find your motivation in the crazy ex-military guy telling you, you look fit as you run past him trying not to make eye contact. Find motivation in your friends that tell you that you used to be good at drums. Maybe find motivation in your young new trainer as she says, “I bet you can’t do more than 20 pull ups!” Child please! Whatever it is, do it for the right reasons, do it for the joy it brings to your friends. Do it for me, do it for the children… just make sure you do it!