I hate the cold. As a matter of fact, if I have to go through another cold winter I am going to kill something and make a coat out of it! My feet and hands are always cold, not to mention the cloudy skies and blowing cold wind. I hate it!
If winter was a dude I would burn him! I love to burn stuff, but that’s another article.
So I have established that I hate the cold. It’s mainly because I have a hard time staying warm, is that redundent? Well, anyway, here are some ways I try to stay warm. Try them if you want, or make some suggestions of your own.
- jumping jacks
- hot bath 
- fire
- turning on the oven and standing in front of it
- socks and under wear in the dryer
- hitting the stairs a couple of times an hour, which make my glutes look awesome
- rubbing my feet on the heat register
- not getting out of bed
- leg warmers and gloves
This is what I do to stay warm, there are a few others, but I don’t know what people would think if I told them that I enjoy… nevermind.
What do you do?