Boredom. Being bored. I just don’t get it. How can you be bored? There is so much to do. I really am rarely ever bored. Well lati freakin da, good for me.

So let me guess, you are sitting at home. You have no significant other. You are tired of reading or you don’t like to read. You have watched way too much TV, there is nothing on, or you have realized TV is stupid. You don’t have any hobbies. You don’t have enough work. You don’t know how to relax. You live with your parents. You have no conceivable reason for getting up in the morning… well, you like to get the paper… even though you don’t like to read it.

Ok, so maybe that list was not all true. I got a little sidetracked. Let’s see if we can get to the root of the matter. The center of the center… the nucleus.

You see, it is not just one thing that solves your problem of being bored. Your big boredom bonanza. I just solved it. Did you see that?

So if you missed it, then let me explain further. There are elements like creativity, persistence, work (that you like of course), interest, fun, relaxation, and fate… that you combine to take care of your boredom. They are a synergy, that all flow together. So if you are a creative person but lacking in other areas… or if you are a diligent person but lacking in creativity, that is ok. You only need a little bit of each, since your ability in one area will make up for your lack in another.

So you may need to think a little bit. Actually, you will definitely have to think. Usually to really solve your boredom problem, you need to do something that not only serves your interests and abilities but also serves someone else’s.

I could list a bunch of things that you could do… like every other site does… so, I will. What you can do is not limited by a list though. So it doesn’t matter whether you want to learn a new language, learn how to fence, learn how to cook, learn how to tile, read, hang out with friends, test and review all types of food, paint, bellydance, blog, create ice sculptures, collect comics, go to conventions, sell merchandise online, play the tambourine, or start a boredom bonanza.

Oh, did you see that? Did you see how I, yeah, I brought it full circle. That’s right a boredom bonanza. And if I have to point it out that means it is pretty pathetic. But hey, I was bored. Well, not really.