You know it’s bad when you get your best friend, your wife’s best friend, your cousin-in-law and a high school client telling you that you need to proofread everything before you share it. My problem is that I think I am texting, typing, and talking at the same pace that I am thinking, but alas, I am on a 6 second delay… which leaves me missing words or putting them in the wrong order, or worse yet, just not spelling correctly. Put all these things together and I look a mess, like a 3rd grader that sprinkled some crack in his coffee before he snorted it. Too much? Oh well… you get my drift.

In fact, I just misspelled grammar at the top of this article. There is no time, no time to think, I got to type. I can’t stop to sound things out or say “i before e except after c”. I have work to do! I must hurry!, to what, I don’t know, but make no mistake, I’ll be there early. Wherever “there” is.

Sure, I’ll leave out a comma or two, and even spell your when it should be you’re… I guess it all comes down to patience and attention to detail. Or is it too patience? Who knows?… I am just glad that I have friends like, Tim, who aren’t afraid to spell check me. Well, I guess it doesn’t have anything to do with fear so much as it does have to do with readability. Is that a word?

So what does one do down here on the bottom of the grammar food chain? You get real good at taking suggestions… Ok, ok…. Tim just yelled at me and said they are rules, not suggestions, or something like that. I wasn’t much for rules, but suggestions roll off my back like water on a ducks ass. I am just thankful that I haven’t misspelled any tattoos, that would suck.