Oh how hard I have worked… I have slaved away in search of treasure. Sometimes buried treasure… nuts! Let me tell you something about being a squirrel and finding a nut. Once you find your nut, you are faced with the dilemma of what to do with your nut.

Being the crafty squirrel that you are, having already figured out how to steal all kinds of goods from people’s trash cans, you know that you must use your resources in the best possible way and protect them from predators.

There are some things to consider though. Should the nut go right home to the nest where Mrs. Squirrel and the kids are? Or should the nut be buried and saved for winter or dire circumstances? Or maybe the nut should go to Bill (your neighbor) cause you feel guilty for not letting him in on the last trash can raid.

Finally you come to a decision. The nut must be buried. It makes perfect sense! You can always dig it up if you need it for the family or in an emergency or even if you later feel like being generous to your neighbor… it will be safely stored away until then.

So off you go to bury your nut. Let’s see… hmmm… let’s bury it between the old maple and the creek.

One month later

Ah! That stupid nut. Where is my stupid nut. Where did I bury that darn thing? Did I bury it between the old oak and the fence? Or maybe I hid it behind the trash cans near the house?

You see the problem is that I always decide to bury my nuts but I can never find them when I need them! When I am faced with the decision in the future I always decide to bury them… it is like some irresistible force that leaves me helpless in the process.

I need to devise a system so that when I find a nut, I do not bury it. Maybe I can carry something in my hands that will keep me from burying my nut. Or maybe I can bring a case that I can place my nut in right away and then I can bring it home. I can then have a place in my house with all my nuts. Then I can crush my nuts, shell my nuts, or save them for later.

Well, if you’re a squirrel, take it from me… protect your nuts and don’t follow the crowd… burying your nuts is fraught with problems.