I have recently become addicted to a new iPhone app game called Fruit Ninja thanks to my good buddy Andy. I’ve read that all ninjas hate fruit and this game allows you to swipe fruit with your finger to end their journey. Thanks to this game I am now in daily training to become an actual real life fruit ninja, except I will still like fruit obviously. My goal is just to take my love for eating fruit and add my love for slashing and splattering fruit to it. As I practice slashing and splattering fruit with my finger I hope to become an elite ninja and gain more pleasure from enjoying a much more messy yet satisfying fruit consumption experience.

My long term goal is to open my own dojo and teach other little fruit ninja hopefuls my secrets in slashing and splattering fruit. I will also be providing them with a nutritious fruity snack at the same time which is something their little bodies need anyways, parents will like that. Instead of having colored belts to show rank like in most martial arts, I will have fruity belts, for example the banana belt is for beginners, the berry belt is a level higher, the citrus belt is a level higher than that, followed by apples, island fruits, and then on to melons…you get the idea. I will teach my little fruit seeds (that’s what I will call my young students) how to slash to the point where they can achieve 2 fruit combos, 3 fruit combos, 4 fruit combos, and even the famous 5 fruit combo! Of course a 5 fruit combo of all melons and coconuts seems a bit far fetched but it is possible my friends. A fruit combo is achieved when more than 1 fruit is slashed and splattered with a single swipe. This takes the fruity pleasure to a whole new level of satisfaction.

Someday when I retire I will become ‘Master Nate the Fruit Sensei’. I hope to take my message of fruitiness to the masses and start a new refreshing movement of messiness. So if you’re stuck in a rut, or just frequently constipated, you’re welcome to follow me on to fruitier pastures!

To start your journey with me visit: www.fruitninja.com