I like tattoos, but I realize not everybody does. One thing is for sure though, too many people like bad tattoos. If you have a bad tattoo, don’t be depressed, it was marking a time in your life where you didn’t make the best choices. If you do have regret, no problem, you can either get it removed or covered up, problem solved.

This article is geared to those people that have no idea what the fashion faux pas are when it comes to inking oneself. Oh, but you are in luck, for today is when you can say “sheeew! A crisis overted, thanks what to do about”!

I will present you with a list of the don’t’s, and maybe some do’s, of the time honored tradition of getting ink.


1. Ying yang signs (unless you are the ying yang twins)
2. Barb wire ( this was over before it started thanks to Pam Anderson)
3. Any cartoon character unless its sponge bob ( because you can’t hate on a dude with square pants)
4. Butterflies ( the exception here is if the butterfly has a skull in it or its on fire)
5. Your name or initials ( if there is ever a reason to have your name inked in you skin its a stupid one)
6. Your girlfriends name ( because if she doesn’t want to put your name on her then you shouldn’t return the favor)
7. Your favorite band ( chances are they think you are crazy for tattooing a name they probably came up with while they where drunk in a mexican prison)
8. A lyric to some dark song ( don’t do this because no elses take you seriously so keep it to yourself)

Now for some do’s:

1. Anything with skulls or fire ( burning stuff is cool and skulls are timeless)
2. A heart with mom in it ( you gotta show your mom love)
3. Flowers ( believe it or not they look pretty cool on most people)
4. Guns ( almost made it to the don’t list but its not quite ovedone just yet)
5. Snakes ( although you have to be a certain type of person to have a snake on your body, people will not question it)
6. Anything original ( because the art is what it’s all about, right?)

Well, there you go, you have a a nice list to help you make your next move as it pertains to getting inked. If you would like to add some ideas please feel free to do so, you may if you don’t make me change my top answers.

Happy inking!?