This article was inspired by recent events and sheer demand from the people. Over the years here on WTDA I have contributed in the area of autos and police. I feel, as do the co-writers of WTDA, that I am somewhat more qualified at avoiding the police or at least pointing out their routines than well, you know… the average guy! Why? How? Who says, you ask?… well, because of my “extensive record” with my thumbs as I type this!

This will be a comprehensive article on how not to get subdued by the blue when doing what your are not supposed to do.

The fuzz is just as predictable as any other dude at a job with an average hourly rate. They are coming to work at 7 am and leaving at 4 pm like most of us do everyday. Their habits and schedules are much the same. So to avoid them we must think like them, you know become the avoided!

Here is the list of ways to avoid the 5-0:

– Remember they have a shift change at 7:30 am, 3:30 pm and 11:30 pm, speed accordingly.
– If you are on the highway let the cars in front of you tell you when there is a cop present by watching there brake lights. If you see one set of brake lights then there is no cop but if you see multiples then slow down.
– Watch tractor trailors, they have radios and they have other truckers telling them to look out here and there. So if they are braking ahead of you maybe around a bend or just over a hill then there is pig.
– Reflective paint! Even if they are unmarked cruisers, they usually have a reflective license plate that may say “car54” or something like that. Look for reflective paint on the sides too.
– Overpasses and entrance ramps, if it seems like you have been speeding without any sign of the po po then make sure you are looking in the rearview mirror as you go under the overpasses so you can see up the entrance ramp. Also keep a keen eye on the shade under the overpass, cops don’t like the sun just like any other full dressed dude in a bullet proof vest.
– Watch your mirrors! Sometimes, despite how hard we try there is always one that gets behind us. This may be the case especially if in a construction zone. Ouch high fines!
– Keep your speed at about 10 mph over. This is a good idea because if you see a cop you can tap the breaks and be at 5 over in a heart beat! Which will only be a minor fine… and no points on the license.
– Never let your guard down, this needs to be the case when you are in school zones, speed zones, and anywhere that you feel uneasy.
– Never pass a cop unless you are sure that you have you cruise locked at the speed limit, and that all of your stuff is legit!

I hope this helps and if you also had to endure the long arm of the law then feel free to add some suggestions in the comments. That’s it for me, I have got to get focused back on the road. Remember to always keep the greasy side down!