I don‚Äôt know about you but most nights here end in a pile of puke from the night before. If you can‚Äôt get with that, what can you get with? I feel pretty good about it. Most people get headaches when they are hung over, but I don‚Äôt because I take a shot with my breakfast. Genius, I know. What about that whole drinking and driving thing‚Ķ hmmm? If you see double you drive better, or at least I do because it seems like there are more cars coming at me‚Ķ just another reason why I don‚Äôt believe in this alcoholism crap. I do what I want because it feels good, doesn‚Äôt everybody? I can‚Äôt remember the last time I worried about anything that a strong drink wouldn‚Äôt take care of. This world has nothing to offer me‚Ķ I just sit back and take it all in while I soak up my vodka. Well, isn‚Äôt everybody doing it? If they’re not, they should be. My life is what I want and nobody can tell me what to do.

You know, it’s too bad that this is the mindset that most alcoholics seem to have and even some social drinkers. I probably had you going right? At least for a second? I decided to approach this like anything else that people abuse. You are probably wondering what I mean by that. You see, people often have the same frame of mind on a lot of toxic substances. They create excuses to justify their irresponsibility in order to do what they want regardless of the outcome. You may have to sober up before I go on.

I trust that you are with me now. In life there are no certainties. I know that seems over stated, but everything in this life will be spoon-fed to you if you let it, truths that are not your own and things that are not true at all. What does this have to do with alcohol? Everything, I personally believe that there is so much out there to be aware of. Think about it for a minute. Done? Good, me too. People spend their whole lives consuming things like soda, which contains no substance that even remotely resembles a food source, not even water. I think that this is as much as an epidemic as the ABUSE of alcohol. And there’s more. What about the fast food industry… talk about a poor source of nutrition! Please give me a quart of 10w-30 motor oil before I’ll ever eat that stuff again.

SO where am I going with this? I am only stating that we believe everything that we are told, from what is on television to the newspaper to what McDonald’s says is now good for us. What is it going to take to get back control of your life? This question brings us back to the alcohol problem. Get up and stop being selfish. That’s where I believe the problem has started. There are too many people doing what they want or whatever feels good without regard of consequences. What happened to doing what is right for yourself, or more importantly, the people that are close to you? The abuse of anything is dangerous. Don’t ever take anything for granted, when you abuse something or someone you are taking advantage of it or them… taking the trust and love that is given to you and cheapening it.

Abuse can be summed up with one word, irresponsibility. So come here, let me wipe the puke off your chin, its time for some intervention. Stop pissing on the stop sign and focus on what the signs says. Start taking control of your life. Question everything, be subject to nothing, and finally stand for something!