Well, I assume you know enough about me to know that I had a car and then it broke down…? No! Well I suppose you have some reading to do. Done? Good.

My car hunt is over!! I found the car of my dreams! No, really! I have been after this car since 2001. My friend Tim and I used to sit around and talk about having one. After all these years I finally found one, or found one cheap enough, whichever works. I purchased my car this last week and it has been amazing, the whole process was a blessing in itself. It is everything that I thought it would be and so much more. I told my wife it was like seeing a naked woman (her) for the first time, you keep looking again and again (at your wife) to make sure you are seeing what you think you are seeing. She laughed and said that I was crazy, if she only knew…

I started driving my car on my daily rounds about the city, training and bringing pain to select persons. This seemed new and quite exciting as does everything that I do in my new car. One thing that felt really new was spinning donuts in it, this felt new because I have never had a car that would spin a donut on anything other than snow. It was a scene straight out of Motor Trend magazine and it, my friend, was glorious. There is nothing like the smell of fresh burnt rubber after a fresh burnout, it’s so good I am thinking about bottling it as a new scent for men!

Driving this car has made everything new and exciting, even stop lights are fun, no… I don’t know why. Putting gas in it is also exciting, it does require premium as did my benz but this just feels more right. Maybe it goes back to the donuts, or the fact that if I was in a life threatening position I could depend on my car to move me very quickly. Yeah, the last one sounds much better!

Do you have a car that excites you? One that you will gladly drive till the doors fall off? If not, I recommend you find one and then pay cash for it. This will give you a lot of satisfaction, especially if it can spin a mean donut!