Look… there is a certain etiquette that one must have while walking in public. Don’t spit on someone’s shoe, don’t go on a crop dusting spree, and, most importantly, DO NOT bump into someone without acknowledging what you’ve just done! This is probably the most unforgivable offense that you can pull off in the streets. I’m talking about the streets, not the “streets,” ok?!
What To Do About “NO OFFENSE”
There are certain phrases that sound like you are being very respectful when, in all actuality, they are very rude and meant to be insulting. You know which ones they are because you have used them on a number of occasions. I don’t know who the first person was who coined the phrase “no offense,” but he/she was a jerk. In essence, when you premise a statement by saying “no offense,” you are preparing that person to be insulted right then and there.
I had heard about them. I had even seen them from a distance. I had never personally encountered a close talker until recently. I just happen to work with one for a day.