There have been some hard times out there, and we here at wtda know all about them. I have been laid off before via email! It sucks and nobody should have to go through that, but we don’t live in a utopian society. We live here in the good ole U.S. of A and sometimes things are a little slow. So if you find yourself without a job and you have your back up against the wall then this article is for you.
What To Do About THE DAY JOB
My name is Asher Lev. Actually that ºs my band ºs name, stolen from this novel called My Name Is Asher Lev. I write songs and play concerts. Once every few years, I release an album of songs I ºve shaped and re-shaped in my studio, that I ºve trashed and resurrected, obsessed over and grown to hate–that I believe merit people ºs ear time.