Have you ever had that friend or family member who just gets all upset about other drivers? Well, I have both a friend and family member that are both very angry drivers. Both will remain nameless as to avoid outright akwardness in my future rides with them. Although we are keeping this anonymous, I am afraid that I will describe them in such a way that they will know who they are…

The friend – drives like someone punched him in the balls for no reason whatsoever. He is always flailing his arms and screaming profanities that are often uncalled for. Not to mention they are down right embarrassing! I am not one that cares too much for what other people think of me, that is of course so long as I am being myself. Yelling at other drivers that are abiding by the laws, but are maybe a little too cautious, is a little bit too much. Which I believe it to be more effort to curse and carry on than to just go around. This effort is something that is practiced so it would not be what comes naturally. It’s a bad habit.