You are walking. It is cold outside. The sub-zero temperatures make you bury your face beneath your scarf such that the scarf is wet with the moisture of your breath. At least your breath smells good.
Most evenings you wander about South Minneapolis taking in the sights and sounds. You think, “not all who wander are lost”, which is true in your situation since you have a plan to your wandering, and therefore it is not really wandering at all. Tetall.
Have you ever had that friend or family member who just gets all upset about other drivers? Well, I have both a friend and family member that are both very angry drivers. Both will remain nameless as to avoid outright akwardness in my future rides with them. Although we are keeping this anonymous, I am afraid that I will describe them in such a way that they will know who they are…
The friend – drives like someone punched him in the balls for no reason whatsoever. He is always flailing his arms and screaming profanities that are often uncalled for. Not to mention they are down right embarrassing! I am not one that cares too much for what other people think of me, that is of course so long as I am being myself. Yelling at other drivers that are abiding by the laws, but are maybe a little too cautious, is a little bit too much. Which I believe it to be more effort to curse and carry on than to just go around. This effort is something that is practiced so it would not be what comes naturally. It’s a bad habit.
You know how we here at WTDA sometimes use this blog for mindless venting? No?… Well we do! It’s time you know. I recently purchased a car and I did this on blind faith and a plan. My plan was to call about a car that I was interested in, back in my home state of Ohio, and then see if my father-in-law could go look at it. If he could look at it, then maybe he could negotiate the deal for me, or at the very least tell me straight up what he thought about the car. The good news is, he did, and then said it was a great car. I soon called the owner and made him an offer he could not refuse… He refused it. So I counter offered, accepted!
So, you are thinking about a career change huh? Well, let me be the first to tell you to avoid international espionage. Trust me, it is not as glamorous as it seems.
Sure it sounds cool, and it has its moments of danger and excitement, but in the end it leaves you strung out with no friends and living a life of constant compromise.
You spend weeks, months, and years studying your target, and most likely your target has been studying you as well. Finally the time arrives when you will come into close proximity, which of course can be extremely dangerous, but also invaluable for gaining invaluable intel.
How quickly we forget what it was like to be sitting at a table staring at broccoli or brussels sprouts, crying and telling our parents that we didn’t want them, or that we did not like them. I remember doing that with my brussels sprouts till they were so cold that they made me gag, but I had to sit there till I ate them. Why? Because there were starving kids in Africa! I think I was only in the 6th grade when this happened to me, but it is burned into my memory like a cattle brand on the ass of some prime A beef!
Something I never thought of as a kid, is that, maybe I just didn’t like vegetables and was more of a meat eater. Or, maybe I am a carb kid like my oldest son. He takes after his mother with his overwhelming need to have pasta, noodles or toast. As where my youngest loves meat and vegetables, this is how I know he is not mine. But that is another blog on another site somewhere…
I just happened to be league champion in my primary fantasy football league this year… AGAIN. I said “my primary fantasy football league” because I took part in 4 leagues this year, which was entirely too many by the way, but I won the league that was most important to me. The answer to the question ‘what to do about winning your fantasy football league…again?’ may seem obvious to some. One could celebrate by posting news of their victory all over the world wide web, or by reminding the other opponents each day for 364 days of the following year that you dominated them. My fantasy football team name just happens to be DomiNATE so that would work out nicely for me.
These are all great ideas unless you happen to be the league commissioner each year, as I am. Too many first place finishes will lead to skepticism and suspicion that the league might be rigged. So if you happen to find yourself in my position, here are a few suggestions:
1) The 5 Year Plan. Only really try to win every 5th year, this will keep the other league players still interested and excited about being in your fantasy league each year and will lessen the thought that it might be rigged. Which it isn’t anyways.
What To Do About PLAYING WORDS WITH FRIENDS (scrabble)
It’ll make you smarter!
I think I could stop this article right there, but alas, you would all be disappointed that you missed my humor. So I will indulge you in my humor, dry and sometimes misplaced, but humor nonetheless.
There is this game floating around that some of us (you know who you are) are enjoying on a daily basis. If you are not familiar with this game, it’s just like scrabble, only electronic and cooler because it’s on my iphone. This game isn’t a big deal unless you like to spell or in my case, are learning how to spell. So when people say I am addicted I smack them in their face and say NO!
Ok. Not really, but I am not addicted. People that are addicted to things forsake their families, food, and all hygiene. I, on the other hand, consider this game to be bettering my education! Can one be addicted to his education…? Well, I suppose, but if it happens you don’t hear about it very often.
Since I have been playing words with friends I have learned the i comes before e except after c. This newfound knowledge, plus beating someone in a game, can be quite liberating. Liberating from all those things that your mother-in-law said about you… “he’ll never succeed”, “you married a loser”, and “you can’t even spell success“. I’ll show her, I will win several games of words with friends, I will write an article about it, and then after it has been edited by Tim she will see…