Today’s best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “is knee deep in it….” – (I’m afraid to ask.)
2.) “says romance without finance is a nuisance.” – (“huh”)
3.) “is hoping she can cram all the spanish terms for body parts into her head.” – (don’t hurt yourself!)
4.) “wants everyone to come to HSM Wednesday night as we talk about dating!” – (Typical youth pastor Facebook status.)
5.) “is creatively brain dead.” – (how do you know?)
6.) “Just watched marine 1 (presidential helicopter) fly by my office window.” – (well I just happened to see a MiG 28 do a 4g negative dive.)
7.) “…the simple things are making me smile.” – (Then visit, you’ll piss your pants!)
8.) “is only accepting friends on facebook.” – (Not in real life?)
9.) “is getting ready to go to work, come visit me!” – (Why would I want to visit you while you’re getting ready for work?)
10.) “-.” – (what a talker!)

Check out on Facebook here.