This article was written by our good friend Jared Owens.

As a man, I believe I have some experience for writing this article. I certainly want to empathize because I do not want to be heartless, but dear searching single girl, you must know that you cannot often have what you want.

How many people reading this article got everything they wanted for Christmas? I know, it’s a rhetorical question. Well, you probably didn’t get everything you wanted. That is because either your tastes are too expensive… or maybe your family is determined to get you what they want to get you. I will always get some piece of clothing from Grandma. Now, how many people reading this article ate everything this Christmas, as in stuffed… to pooping? So dinner was delicious? So good there was no slowing down, eh? Well… did you help make it? What did you eat? What made that dish so delightful that you ate three fourths of it? Maybe you only remember how stuffed to pooping you were. That’s ok, but you need to cook more.

Suppose you were an asparagus. What complements an asparagus? Parmesan certainly BUT not too much. Pepper. Salt. Now that’s if you, the asparagus, are the main ingredient. Asparagus is the dish. No one wants to be a solo asparagus their whole life. So let’s add one of three things. You can decide based on your preference: leeks, tomatoes, or sweet potatoes. One of these fine vegetables will complement you, the asparagus, in a savory bed of wild rice, and we can’t forget the unfiltered virgin olive oil. Now this is a relationship! Why did you want the company of a leek? …I know this is a bit absurd, BUT here is the point: we don’t eat each other in relationships. We don’t consume each other. Happiness does not come from getting everything we want. You have more in common with a vegetable looking for another vegetable to complement in a bed of rice, and which presents the most delightful aroma, than you do an insatiable eating machine. You must search for the right vegetable, and know what it is you appreciate (I am in love with sweet potatoes), and then, don’t worry, the great Cook will sauté you to perfection.