textingTexting is a lazy mans way of conversation! Yeah, I know everybody is doing it, but since when do we want to be followers? I know, I personally wish I didn’t text, but I feel like I have control and know when to stop. Unlike some of you out there that text all the time even while driving or talking to your friend, or even worse, while you are in line at the bank. This make me want to go nuts and smack somebody, but I won’t, because I can control myself.

I like to watch people try to both talk and text at the same time, it is quite comical. It’s like watching a blind kid chase a rabbit, he can hear it, but can’t see it till it’s too late and the rabbit is ready to bite his hand as he tries to pick it up. Well, maybe that doesn’t make any sense and neither does texting. What’s better? People know it. They have excuses as to why they do it, and they sound something like this.

– I don‚Äôt have time to talk
– I don‚Äôt have a lot to say
– I don‚Äôt want anybody to hear my conversation
– I am bored
– I like to read

These are fuel to the fire of my texting hatred for obvious reasons, so obvious that I am not going to tell you. Maybe I am old and don’t get why texting is so much more effecient than a phone conversation. If this is the case, I employ you to give it to me straight. Right the wrongs of this generation, tell me why, or maybe you can join my group because isn’t that what we do if we don’t like something. We get together with like minded individuals and cross arms in disgust. No? Well thats what I am going to do. Join me in the T.I.F.D.W (texting is for dill weeds) we will change the world! (insert evil laugh here)