I will start off by saying that I know nothing about this game except that the name is a sexual innuendo no matter how you slice it. The other thing I know is that I freaking love this game and I don’t know why. It is basically like playing horseshoes but without all the set up with the metal steaks and what not. The only thing that is more fun than corn hole is probably UNO… yes, the card game. I don’t know if it’s the simplicity of both games, which in turn doesn’t say a whole lot about me… that I want anyone to know really. But if it is the simplicity, than what is so wrong with that? I mean you work hard trying to figure things out all week long, why not have a fun simple game to relax to, or in my case get excited about.

So you will need some tools for your game: 8 bean bags (4 in one color and 4 in another color) and two wooden platforms that look like:

corn hole

Notice the slant and size… There are of course actual regulation sizes (4’x2’) but you can just make your own if you want. The platforms are supposed to be 33 feet from hole to hole, but we pretty much just set them wherever, usually about 25 feet or so. When tossing the bean bags you have to stand between the back of the platform and the front of the platform. The objective is to win (no doy!) by getting as many points as you can.

For every corn bag in the hole you get three points. For every corn bag on the platform you get one point. If you get a ringer (around the rim) we count it as two points. If the opposing player or team gets points then yours are cancelled out and only one player or team ends up with net points at the end of each round. First one to exactly 21 points wins.

Ah… rules and rules… that’s the basic gist of it. You get the idea. If you want to know more just come play corn hole with me. I mean for real. You are not gonna make me spell out every detail are you? Do you know how many websites do that? This is WhatToDoAbout.com… we make you work for your information. We just wet your appetite.

What I will be doing about corn hole is playing it!… and so should you. There is nothing like a cold drink in one hand and my sack (bean bag) in the other.