That’s what she said (TWSS) has always been good to me. It produces a lot of laughs even when we shouldn’t be laughing. Toilet humor is what my life has come to now as the ticket to fast laughs and good times. Well, that and liquor.

It has been said that the phrase TWSS gets used too much, to this I say “nope”. You can over do things like having too much salt in your food, or too much junk in your trunk, but as to TWSS you just have to know the right place to do it… that’s what she said. (sorry it had to be done)

So if you are wondering where you can let this fly, here are some options:

1) Any construction job anywhere in the world

2) Around a campfire

3) In a car full of dudes on a road to anywhere

4) In the mens bathroom (don’t know why)

5) When your friend is taking a big gulp of his big gulp (Delivery is key)

If you can find a way to work it in a public setting you will get a laugh if you can deliver it well… but you had better be sure because you don’t want to go down with the TWSS ship. You need to use caution, I mean, it’s the last thing I want my boys to say, because, they are young and… really, I shouldn’t have to explain this. Use discretion.

What’s weird is when you get a chick contributing… but girls usually know how to make this particular joke funnier. Even more fun is a TWSS that is completely off and would never work, this can escalate into euphoric laughter… and isn’t that what its all about anyway. I mean who doesn’t like a good delivery? Thats What She Said!!