Bears helmetWhen I was a little kid, I think at times I would like a team just because their helmet and uniform looked cool. Even though I have been a die-hard Cincinnati Bengals fan since I was 8 years old, I really have always liked their orange helmet with black tiger stripes. I know some people hate it, but I’ve always liked it. For some people, just the site of it stirs up rage. When I was younger I used to collect the plastic football helmets that you could get out of the gumball machine for 25 cents. I eventually got them all and lined them up on my shelf in my room.

There are some teams that have changed the look of their helmet over the years and teams change the look of their uniforms more frequently it seems, but below I’ve listed some teams that I think currently have cool helmets and some that I think need to come up with something better.

Helmets I dig (in no particular order):

Chicago Bears – I love the solid navy helmet and orange C logo, great colors.


Cincinnati Bengals – As I mentioned above, I really like the orange and black tiger stripes.


San Diego Chargers – I like the lightening bolt, it looks tough.


Denver Broncos – There current helmets are much better then their old helmets with the big D on them.


Helmets that need to go (in no particular order):

Arizona Cardinals – They have a white helmet with the head of a cardinal on it, lame.


Pittsburgh Steelers – Maybe it‚Äôs because I dislike the team so much, but the helmet also annoys me. Maybe it‚Äôs because their logo is on one side of the helmet only and not both sides.


Tennessee Titans – I like their team colors I just think the logo on the helmet isn‚Äôt that cool.


What are your thoughts?

‚ÄúA lot of people hate this hat. It angers a lot of people, just the sight of it.‚Äù – Uncle Buck