I tend to put the same things in my pockets every day. It’s usually my cell phone, car keys, chap stick, and then at the end of the day there may be receipts from eating out or some change. Sometimes it’s annoying to have too much in your pockets, especially in the back pocket. Having a large wallet can be extremely annoying. I mean, I am not going to complain as much if it’s large because there is a load of cash in it, but that’s not usually the case.

One place where it can be interesting to see what you can place in your pockets is at the movies. I am definitely one of those people who usually try to sneak my own snacks into the movies instead of buying the movie theatre junk food. I’ve been known to sneak a pint of ice cream in, even though that would not fit in my pocket. One tip would be to wear a hoodie, it’s a lot easier to fit items in the pockets of a hoodie than in your pants.

There are a few items that no one should ever put in their pocket, they include the following:

1) an open blade

2) a burning cigarette

3) a needle

4) scissors

5) a scorpion

6) shark teeth

7) a porcupine skin

8) a viper

9) fire ants

10) anything that’s ticking and not a watch

…and finally if you‚Äôre a girl here‚Äôs a bonus: a banana

Well that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Thanks for reading.