As you may already know, I have kids. If you don’t know, then go to my article what to do about having kids.¬†

Now that you are back, you know that I have kids. With kids comes a lot of great things and much more bad things depending on your point of view. Mine is skewed!

Let me tell you why, I have had my computer soaked with water, my sleep interrupted, my clothes stained, my yard destroyed. I have been peed on, thrown up on and slept on. I have had to throw away many articles of clothing, a couple of ruined books, a few CD’s, and one too many remote controls.

Aside from this, life with the kids is great! We recently (10 months ago) procreated another little boy. Great news, he doesn’t sleep through the night but that’s no problem, we give him zanex then he is out like a light.

Just kidding! I could just see your faces from here, ha! I had you going… man, I love this job.

 Recently the little one caught a bug, like a flu bug, and the little guy got sick. He was weak and pale as well as very sleepy. Being the helpful father I am, I held him for my wife and thats when he spewed half digested cheese and fruit all over my desk, desk chair and my leg. I love the smell of fresh vomit in the morning! It was nice and warm when it trickled down my leg on to my shoe. I held my own as I yelled for my wife, like a lost little boy in a mall full of Christmas time shoppers.

She came and we cleaned it up, but this was not the end of the sickness. We ended up taking him to the doctor to find out that after four hours and 2 tests that it was just a “bug”. Great! Well, have fun spending the thousand dollars I just gave you to tell me something that I could have figured out on my own.

Now I know that not all cases are this simple and a lot of kids come away with other illnesses and diseases. I just think that with my kids sickness, as simple as it was (he was better before we left the doctors) that a doctor could tell by looking at him what was wrong before we spent a grand. Just a thought.