This article was written by our pal Steve Leopold, he is a babysitter for adults who misbehave (no joke, he works for the county jail), we love Steve because he is a risk-taker and this article proves that.

Many of you out there may have the notion of getting married or already are engaged. Some of you have been married for some time now and don’t have to read this. But this will be helpful to the majority of you out there who are single. So begins my story.

I have been married for two months now. The worst two months of my life. Wait, no, I once had food poisoning that kept me at bed rest or on the toilet for a period of time. While I was engaged all of my male friends would say to me jokingly “It’s not too late, you can still get out.” What were they talking about, I thought marriage would be the best decision I would ever make. A life long companion, always having someone to go out with, she would help me with the bills and house chores and of course the guarantee of sex. Oh the sex. It was great (and existent) while on the honeymoon. Is the stress of every day life that much that you can’t even give your man a little lovin’. I’m not going to throw out numbers but any man would agree that every married couple should be doing it more than we are.

And what about all the other problems. I read an article that says the top reason for divorce is money. Now I know she will remember meeting with the pastor that married us and him telling us that one of us needs to be in charge of the finances. And what did we decide. ME. But who just bought Cirque du Sole tickets for her mom’s birthday, that was three months ago. How does that even make sense. There are other problems that are worth talking about but can be fixed more easily. Her cooking is horrible. She doesn’t clean the house. She leaves her wet towel on the bedroom floor. And I think she has a drinking problem. Many of you are thinking that I am unhappy in my marriage… that is untrue. All I’m saying is “It’s not too late, you can still get out.”