Die-hard Bears fan and long time friend Andrew Lazarz gives us his 2008 predictions for the Chicago Bears upcoming season.

What can I say about DA BEARS… either you love them or you hate them (if your a Green Bay fan).  The 2007 Super Bowl was a big let down for me as a Bears fan.  The Bears had no offense that game and Rex GROSSman (yes I capitalized the word gross cause that’s what his playing is like) gave the game to the Colts (yes I’ve not been a big Manning fan at all since then).  Why the Bears still keep GROSSman and not invest in a decent QB in the draft is a mystery to me. Here’s my predictions of how the Bears will do in 2008.

WK1 Bears Vs. Colts, BIG STINKING LOSS score 31-0

WK2 Bears Vs. Carolina, loss  21-17

WK3 Bears Vs. Tampa Bay, loss 14-3

WK4 Bears Vs. Eagles, loss 17-10

WK5 Bears Vs. Lions, loss 28-21

WK6 Bears Vs. Atlanta, win 17-7

WK7 Bears Vs. Minnesota, loss 24-3

WK8 Bye

WK9 Bears Vs. Lions, win due to home field advantage 21-10

WK10 Bears Vs. Titans, loss 20-3

WK11 Bears Vs. Green Bay, win 10-3

WK12 Bears Vs. Rams, win 21-3

WK13 Bears Vs. Minnesota, loss 28-10

WK14 Bears Vs. Jacksonville, loss 21-10

WK15 Bears Vs. Saints, loss 24-14

WK16 Bears Vs. Green Bay, win 14-10

WK17 Bears Vs. Houston, win 17-14

My predictions may seem that I have lost faith in the Bears, but with no offense how can you win ball games.  Unless the Bears produce a run game my predictions may come true. I predict they will go 6-10.  I hope I’m wrong.

7 Responses

  1. Not bad… I think they will go either 6-10 or 7-9. I think they can beat the lions in both games and maybe Tampa as well. Although I do think they might lose to Green Bay one of those two games… I don't think they will win both against the Packers

  2. I have more faith in the Bears (my 2nd favorite team) than you guys, they will have a better run game this year and they will win at least 8.

  3. The Bears can beat Carolina, Tampa, Philly, & Tennessee…not saying they will, but they have a chance in those games.

  4. Well since I last wrote this prediction DA BEARS didn't have Kevin Jones from Detriot. If he's healthy he will be a huge asset for DA BEARS run game. And to clarify my predictions on DA BEARS against Green Bay Lovie Smith is pretty successful against those cheese heads. But still DA BEARS won't win the division I think the Vikings will win the division. But since this gain for DA BEARS my prediction will be 8-8.

  5. Yeah, I think signing Kevin Jones was a good move, I think they will at least go 8-8 as well.