That's what I'm talking aboutThat‚Äôs what I‚Äôm talking about. You wanna know what I‚Äôm about to talk about? Not saying, “that‚Äôs what I‚Äôm talking about”. I was at a restaurant the other day with some friends and there were multiple football games playing all at the same time. There are positives and some negatives that go on at a place like this. The majority of the people there are rooting for the team of the city that they are in. In this case, it is the Tennessee Titans. There are, however, multiple people watching, and cheering loudly, for their favorite team. This causes some confusion because once people start cheering the natural tendency is to want to know what is going on. There is a lot going on and it takes a lot just to concentrate on what‚Äôs going on in your game. Mentally unstable people should not participate in a game day restaurant like this one as their brain may explode and ruin it for everyone else.

So, the stage is set. Everyone is having a great time (if there team is winning) and eating and being merry. Except for the guy who is sitting by himself yelling “That’s what I’m talking about!” after every positive event in the game. First of all, he is sitting BY HIMSELF. He wasn’t talking about ANYTHING and then keeps letting everyone know that whatever happened in that game is precisely what he was talking about. It’s like he is taking credit for whatever just happened by letting people know that he said it first and then it happened. Maybe the reason he is sitting alone is a direct result of what he was talking about and his companion didn’t agree with him so they left.

Look… there are plenty of things you are allowed to yell at any given event. “Yeah!” “Go, Go, Go!” “WHAT?!” Endless possibilities… except for “That’s what I’m talking about.” Do yourself a favor and ease up. By the way… it’s kind of like telling someone they are all that and a bag of chips. Think about it.