I must admit, staring out the window is something that I like to do. One of my favorite places to do this is in my bathroom, and I’m going to be honest, while I am sitting on the toilet. I have a nice view of the road and can watch cars drive by while I am sitting on the throne. Just so you know, I can see them but they can’t see me. Sometimes I sit there and wonder where each person is going. Are they driving home from work? running errands? Or are they just cruising around?

Another place where I tend to stare outside is when I am at the store where I work. I usually take a break for dinner around 7pm or sometime in the evening and I often sit where I can look outside the store at the street & other shops outside. I see all kinds of people and cars and it is just interesting to stare at them.

I must say that I stare out the window a lot more these days than I have in times past. I think a big reason is because there is a lot more action outside where I live now than where I used to live. Just last week I heard the screeching sound of tires and then a big “BOOM!” and I ran to the window and saw smoke from two cars that collided in the intersection in front of my house. I also live near a hospital and will often see emergency vehicles speeding by with their loud sirens going off.

I will often stare outside my kitchen window in the morning while I am drinking or eating. There is a small wasp nest outside the kitchen window and I’ve been watching the little wasps hatch and just hang out. I don’t bother them, they don’t bother me.

What’s outside your window?