I love making new friends, especially since I left most of my friends in my hometown. New friends are good because you have a clean slate to work with. You can set up different friends for different things.

I have two sets of friends. One set will go anywhere I want to go with little resistance, the other set has prerequisites for hanging out, they need to know exactly what we are doing and where we are going. This latter set of friends will also be just fine with hanging out at somebody’s house watching a movie. Unfortunately these friends have heard all of my jokes and they are very used to my sense of humor so they laugh a little less. Having said that, group number 2 knows me so well that we always have a quality time no matter what we are doing.

With new friends you never know. If you have one new friend you can just give them a hard time all night and you can make it fun for at least a little while, till they cry that is.  New friends take a little bit of work too. You have to tell them that your just kidding and “no, I really don’t go get hammered every night”, or “no, I don’t really smoke reefer either”.

You have to baby the new friends…you know, like if you hurt their feelings. This can be a little exhausting…but rewarding in the end. If I had a glass to raise to my new friends I would say it‚Äôs good to have you and good luck, your going to need it.

To my old friends thanks for putting up with my crappy jokes and always looking out for me. Now I have to think of new things to do with my old friends and old things to do with my new friends.