If you have a job that requires you to remember many things then you must have a system or way of remembering important things. Even apart from things one must remember for a job there are many important things in life that one should have a way to remember such as birthdays, anniversaries, and eye doctor appointments.

There are several things I do on a daily basis to remember things that are important. Here are a few:

1) Write it on a calendar. I have a calendar on my wall on which I write events that may be coming up such as birthdays, concerts, anniversaries, vacations, meetings, lunch appointments, etc. People often use planners and phone calendars and that works as well.

2) Use a to-do list. Another method I often use is the “to-do” list. I simply take a small piece of paper and jot down things I need to do for the day or the week. When I accomplish the task I want to do then I check or mark it off on the list.

3) Send yourself an email. There are times when I will think of something I need to take care of while I am away from my home/office. During those times I will occasionally send a text message reminder to my email address so that when I check my email I am reminded to do whatever it is I need to do.

4) Write it on your hand. This is probably not the best of my ideas, but it works. There are times when I want to remember to do something later in the day, but I do not have paper or access to my “to-do” list and so I just write a word or two on my hand that will remind me to do it later that day. Often people will ask, what’s on your hand? And I will say something like “that is just to remind me to email so & so about such & such later today.”

I am sure there are other methods to use to remember things that I have not mentioned, I know many people who have secretaries and assistants they count on to remember everything for them, and those people use many of the above methods to remember things as well.

If you have other ideas on how to not forget things leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading.