What do you like to put in your pockets? I like to put money in mine, but I don’t like taking it out. The only things I carry in my pockets are my cell phone and my wallet, that is, unless my wife is with me and then she has my wallet in her overnight bag she calls a purse.

I remember when I was a kid and we would go out of church and play in the halls. We would listen for the change and key rustling in the pockets of the elder/hall monitor Larry. Larry didn’t know how we heard him and we weren’t going to tell him either. Funny thing about it was the change was always louder after the morning service. Which worked to our benefit because it gave us a little more warning.

I don’t like to carry change or my keys. I like to travel light just in case I have to go through a metal detector or somebody wants to rob me. They will not find a thing but my cell phone… and they will have to pry that out of my cold dead hands.

I think things in your pockets weigh down your pants and I have seen some of you out there and your pants are low enough (crack kills). Well, I am curious as to what other people put in their pockets, hit me up with some comments and we will talk about it.

I once put a guinea pig in my pocket and then let it lose at the dinner table, it was pretty amazing.