I’m going to be honest with you, getting the mail each day is not as exciting as it used to be. There used to be a slight sense of excitement each day in heading outside to the mailbox to see if I had received something cool or that might brighten up the day a bit. Now-a-days it is usually filled with bills or junk mail advertisements.

Not only is most of the mail I receive kind of a bum out, but getting the mail usually interrupts my day in a negative way. I work from my home most days and I’m usually dressed in my comfy sleeping clothes and so I have to put on some flip flops and walk outside looking like I just got out of bed, and sometimes I really have just gotten out of bed, but it’s just kind of annoying. It would be easier if I actually had something cool to look forward to in getting the mail each day.

Below is a short list of things that would make getting the mail each day something I would look forward to:

1) If I would occasionally get a letter from one of my credit card companies stating that since I have been such a loyal customer for so long that they are sending me a random check to spend however I please.

2) If I would get a birthday card in October (my birthday is in April), a graduation card in January (I graduated from college 4 years ago), a thank-you card for something I didn’t know I did, a “thinking of you” card even if no one was really thinking about me.

3) If I subscribed to ESPN The Magazine, or the Bengals Report.

4) If someone would randomly send me something good to eat that I’ve never tried before.

5) If absolutely nothing came in the mail, then I would not have to worry about opening up more mail that I would probably just throw away anyways.

So now you have some ideas, maybe you can brighten up someone’s day a bit by making there “getting the mail experience” a bit more enjoyable.