I am delighted to tell you that I had the rare honor to receive an advanced copy of a much anticipated new book from Anthony Horvath. The book is called ‘Spero’ and after the first book in the series, ‘Fidelis’ I was hooked and couldn’t wait to read the next one. Spero is here, it is an amazing addition to the series, and you bet there is more to come from Anthony.

I love the story line and how it gives you the views of two sets of characters while on the same journey. It is intellegent as well as inspiring, and gives you the right amount of action as you watch the main character learn what it is to be a man. The way in which Anthony tells the story could be an end to an uncertain time in our present world, where the playing field is leveled and we are forced to live by our honor and character.

Spero by A.R. Horvath

Spero definitely kept my attention and remained unpredictable. If you are thinking you will know how this book will end… well, you are wrong. Full of philosophical (that’s a big word for me) truth and insight into some of the deeper questions surrounding life, Spero is a dope read (I mean that in the best possible way).

I normally don’t write reviews, especially for books but this one was so good that I am back on the edge of my seat wondering when we can see the next book… or better yet a movie! Well one can hope right? You can order your copy and learn more about the book at www.birthpangs.com.

Anthony, wherever you are, get me another book… I am dying here. But seriously, great addition and please keep it up.