You ever have one of those days? A day when it seems that nothing is going right? A day where every time you look up, something bad happens? Well let me tell you something, I wasn’t having one of those days at all! I mean, aside from running 22 miles in preparation for a marathon happening in a few weeks, my day was going by swimmingly.

Let me give you a little back story. It seems as though Nashville, TN, is having a bit of a poo storm, a crapacolypse, a poopacain. Whatever you call it, the crap was surely hitting the fan, and the window, and the car hood. This crapfest is happening for some scientific reason that I don’t really care about. All I know is, I am the target of willful pooping and flying!!

As I venture out on my run, I don’t see a whole lot of anything going on. It’s cold and we have a long morning ahead of us. After a quick potty break, I find that I now have excrement on my pant leg. How? Where? I don’t know! It’s nut brown and all crusty. “Ok”, I said thinking this would be an isolated occurrence. Wrong! Mile 17 poop on my head… if that’s not enough it’s starting to trickle onto my forehead. Thankfully I had a paper towel in my pocket. I wiped it away with some trouble, I was trying to maintain a 9 minute mile. Soon our run was done and after some laughs about the impending poo, we went home where I quickly washed my hair.

The next morning I got up and was feeling responsible, so I swept the floor, cleaned the bathroom, and took out the trash. While I was taking out said trash, I thought, “man those birds sure are making a mess.” Just then I was hit for the third time!! Three times in 24 hours!!! That has to be a new world record?! How does that happen??

What to do about having your head shat upon is to carry an umbrella when there is an all night poop-a-thon! Especially if the birds fancy your head over all other unpooped upon targets! Crazy!