Christmas is over and you are now awash in new clothes. Your bedroom has become a pigsty as clothes are strewn about all over the place. New clothes with tags on them are slung across the bed, while old clothes that you can no longer stand the sight of are thrown on the floor or are filling bags ready to be donated.

Why is it that new clothes make you feel like a new person? More confident? More secure? Ay? For certain, you want to wear your new outfit right away. Straightaway! Let’s wear the new clothes!

It is precisely these feelings that bother me with new clothes. Whenever I get new clothes, I feel like not wearing them right away just because I naturally have the tendency to want to wear them right away. I want to stick it to those feelings!

Now, in my new enlightened state, I like to break clothes in slowly. I may wear them around the house a couple of times… a week after I get them. Then, I may wear them out for running errands around town. It gives me a chance to get to know the new clothes and for them to get to know me, which, of course they are dying to do.

I find that not wearing new clothes right away takes away the power of clothes strangle hold on me. They want to make me think that I will look really really great in them, look like I have things together, and be a better person. But I know, oh I know, they most likely will make me worse of a person… I mean, how can you mess with perfection. I kid, I kid. But seriously, our trust in appearances oftentimes deceives us before it deceives anyone else.

A couple more days and I will wear my new jeans.