Do you have kids? No? Well let me tell you, they are great, and by great I mean it’s pretty cool when they sleep in past 8 am on a Saturday. An interesting thing about kids is that they amplify certain things about your personality that you may not like.

For instance, my wife has a slight clumsy gene that comes and goes every now and then. This — among other things, comes out in our kids.

As a matter of fact Elijah, our oldest, had a run-in with a slide the other day. This made him cry and run and hide… which he does when he doesn’t want people to see him cry… which he gets from me. Well, I tried to console him and had him laughing and playing in his hiding spot under the stairs at the playground. That’s when I said, “I am coming in there to get you”. He then got so excited that he turned and ran straight into the staircase. Which, of course, led to another fit of crying and hiding.

The clumsy side I can’t claim, but the run and hide part I have to claim. The sad thing is I don’t know why…

If you want kids, think about the bad stuff about you that they will make worse. Just food for thought when considering procreation.