It was a nice day. The sky was blue and the air was just starting to percolate with that humidity that says rain is coming. However, it was still early and the humidity had not yet reached the point of making the experience of being outside completely unbearable.

Terry and I just happened to be walking up Nolensville Road to pick up a twenty foot ladder at a friend’s house. Why were we walking 0.7 miles instead of driving? Well, there was the problem of not having a truck to carry a ladder, and there was also the fact that it was only 0.7 miles.

Nolensville is a fun road, and there are no end to places like Latino Tires:
nolensville road latino tires

One of the obvious benefits of walking to pick up the ladder is that it gave Terry and I a chance to talk. We all know what happens when Terry and I have a chance to talk, we get all these crazy ideas. On the walk back, however, we were separated by twenty feet of ladder, and I was yelling back there, “everything all right?!”. I had to keep checking in because it seems my good personal trainer friend was getting a bit winded and I just wanted to make sure that he didn’t need to stop and sit down for a few minutes. I hardly broke a sweat. If I had, I would have made sure it hurt.

Here are a couple recommendations for carrying a ladder down Nolensville Road:
1. I recommend bringing a friend, or a non-friend but willing participant.
2. I recommend, when approaching thugs, to have the ladder act as leverage between you and the thug. This way, you can either use it to shield yourself from any potential blows, or you can throw it down in such a way that it creates an obstacle for the thug as you make a wild dash for safety.
3. I recommend, when crossing the street to have the ladder in front of you, that way if a car is coming you can sacrifice the ladder and allow it to be smashed instead of your body.

In conclusion, I highly recommend carrying a ladder down Nolensville Road. It is an experience that I will cherish and keep in my heart, wherever I go, I will always remember the day I carried a ladder down Nolensville Road. It was such a happy time and the memories are priceless. How can you put a price on such things?