As you should know, Terry has already waxed eloquent on the hour that begins at 5am. I really don’t know why he is waxing at all. I shall, however, now delve into the mysteries of getting up in the 4 o’clock morning hour.

I would have to agree with my eloquently waxing friend Terry, that indeed, getting up in the wee morning hours is like getting slapped in the face, and I would add, getting slapped in the face with a wet fish. It stinks.

One of the terrible things I dislike about the early morning hour is that, in order to wake up I must use an alarm clock which has me constantly anticipating its going off as I would hate to actually hear it go off. It seems that Terry would agree.

In addition, I would also say, one of the benefits of arising so early is that the streets are quiet and traffic is minimal. It makes being out and about much more pleasant, if, of course, one were awake enough to actually enjoy it. It seems that Terry would agree.

Granted, I only have to get up in the 4 o’clock hour one day per week right now. What can I say, I like to start slow. So here are some suggestions to help you wake up for your early morning adventures:

A) While all your friends are up enjoying late night bonfires and Monday Night Football, you should be setting out your clothes and prepping your breakfast to minimize the time needed in the morning. Be in bed by 8pm ( I mean, you want 8 hours sleep don’t you??)

B) Have some sort of stimulant ready for you in the morning. Whether it be coffee, tea, a cold shower, or a wet fish slapping you in the face, make sure you have something to ensure your awakeness so that you will not fall asleep driving or so that you will pay attention when your boss is talking.

C) Ensure that your alarm clock setup is optimal. I am afraid that the power will go out and I will not get up in time. Silly, I know. I set my alarm clock and the alarm on my phone just in case. Why? I think it’s because I don’t particularly care for the alarm on my phone, and so, it is just a backup. Have as nice of an alarm as you can get… like a light alarm that gets brighter and brighter near the time that you need to wake up, that would be awesome! That is what I want. Whenever an alarm goes off and I am in the middle of sweet, blissful slumber, the sound makes me feel like I am going to have a heart attack. Well, I am not sure what it feels like to have a heart attack, so instead, I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest and I awake in a fright!

I kind of despise that I am even writing this article and that I find myself saying things like: It seems that Terry would agree. Here’s to waking up without an alarm clock and getting a full night’s rest!