I can file this under things I thought I would never be, especially after my 20’s! I mean, who has time to be competitive at my age? I’ll tell you! Kyla & Jennifer! That’s who. These ladies both meek and timid at first glance, will compete with the best of them. Or even the sub-par like myself. They have become my workout buddies because they know I can’t say no. Just yesterday I was asked to go run 8 miles in the summer heat. I said yes, even given the fact that I haven’t run more than 4 miles all summer.

I have no gauge for drawing the imaginary line in the sand and saying no to competition. I get this itch, this itch… it drives me to do things I don’t really want to do, or can do, for that matter. Like running 8 miles in the blistering heat, I mean who does that? Me, because I was asked… by a girl.

What’s more shocking than doing things that I don’t want to do or can’t do, (because that’s shocking), is that I don’t ever remember being like this in my early years. I never really got into sports growing up, I mean, I played them, I just never really “owned” them. Of course now I want to “own” every sport out there! If only there was a way for a 30 year old man to walk onto an NFL team…. a man can dream! I get so competitive I can hardly sit still sometimes. I actually feel like I am missing out on something when someone tells me there is a race this weekend, or let’s play a pick up game of basketball, or missing a golf outing kills me… even though I haven’t played in 2 years.

I find myself competitive at everything even the things that I’m not good at. I know! Imagine me not good at something!! Crazy! So I have no idea what’s going on with this “problem”. I am open to suggestions, no really… Help Me!! I am running out of money going to these events! New Orleans, here we come!! But after South Carolina…