Woot! Woot! I don’t know what woot means really, but I like saying it.

It’s back! Yes I know you missed reading my regular Top 10 Facebook Statuses post. Woot!

Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “Supporting Blink 182” – (I think they get plenty of support already…unless you mean breast support of course.)
2.) “Just thought about something… If LeBron quit in the playoffs, why did they want to resign him at all!? – (Because it’s Cleveland.)
3.) “I’m really hoping we can make it through the night w/o sleep walking!” – (At least if you guys die you most likely won’t know it.)
4.) “De-cluttering my life before they make an episode of Hoarder’s about me! I will document the treasures I find! Let the entertainment begin..” – (If you find a big bag of money it’s mine…not sure how I lost that at your place but trust me, it’s mine.)

5.) “is thankful for supportive friends who do whatever it takes to help me stay grounded :)” – (What you got against flying?)
6.) “these peaches from the Farmer’s Market are rockin’ my world right now!” – (Oh peaches!)
7.) “WOOT my friends, woot like you’ve never wooted before!!”
8.) “I loathe you NES for doubling my electric bill this month for no reason except that its july. Classy.” – (You played your Nintendo Entertainment System that much? dang.)

9.) “Oh sweet jesus. After going so long without tv, I’m suddenly angered by the stupidity of all commercials and 96% of programming. Was it always this dumb or did I just now notice?”
10.) “Spend more time in changing yourself and less time trying to change others.”

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