Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “I outdid myself and tomorrow I hope to outdo myself, thereby I will outdo what I outdid!”) – (Then if the next day you outdo yourself again you will have outdone what you outdid twice!)
2.) “Gonna wright something funny so I can out do what Tim already out did…Or is it out doing?” – (You can’t out do Tim until you learn how to spell write rightly right? Signed: The Wright Brothers)
3.) “The lady’s got pipes.”- (Can I smoke em?)

4.) “my head hurts…” – (It doesn’t even care to think how you might feel?!)
5.) “Fema Fema bo Bema bananna fanna fo Fema…” – (Lots of people in Nashville singing this tune of late.)
6.) “Strep: it’s like childbirth for your throat.” – (And all the phlegm is like the placenta.)
7.) “Will someone give me this week’s winning lotto numbers, I’ll share the winnings!!” – (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)

8.) “Had a dream I won 20,000,000 dollars. Also, there was a robot powered by bomb-pops.” – (In my dream they would have been powered by paletas.)
9.) “The mountains are blue on my beer, they must be as cold as the Rockies!” – (That John Denver’s full of dookie-poo man.)

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